Wednesday, July 9, 2008


ARRRRGH! I'm still upset! I put in my account info as usual and it says my email, the one I've been using all this time doesn't exist!!! It bugs me more that my old blog is still up but I can't access it! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!

Senior Project!

Originally posted on Sunday, June 29th, 2008: 

First page of my senior project is penciled and inked! Whoohoo! It turned out better than I expected. I spent a lot more time on it than past projects, probably because it was my own story.

Verse of the Day:

"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who says to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'" -Isaiah 52:7

Originally posted on Wednesday, June, 18 at 12:23 am: 

Hey, 'tis me again! I'm working on my senior project and I'm on a roll! Whee! To the right is one of my concept sketches for a scene in the short comic I am doing for senior project! I'm basing loosely on an old fairy tale I read a long time ago. That's all for tonight . . . well, today, technically. Oh, I also made my first internet friend today, well, technically yesterday :) I've never made friends with someone I've never seen before . . . it's interesting. It's a guy so, eventhough he seems reeeallly nice, I'm going to be extra on-guard, just in case! It's like having a pen pal, all I have is a picture. A very nice picture, too! :)

(I'm retyping all this from my old blog since I can't cut and paste AAAAARRRRGHHH! By the way, my "internet friend" never contacted me again)
I'm reeeallly cheesed off at blogger right now because I can't access my blog so I had to make this new one. I can still find my blog at it's address but I can't get into it!!! I'm so frustrated!!!!! ARRRRGGGGGHHH! Go here to see my last posts!
